
Category : Photography

Sophie Kahn (梁劉柔芬·卡恩)

Born in London and grew up in Melbourne, Australia, Sophie Kahn trained as a photographer and later expanded her study to animation, 3d imaging and digital sculpture. Sophie’s work engages the role of the image in the expanded field of post-photographic imaging. Her creative use of the novel technology of 3d scanning and 3d printing to capture the living body produces a fragility that exists between that of the living in constant flux and the mortuary stillness. Sophie has also […]

3dMD Self Portrait (三維自畫像)

Using the 3dMDface System in the Craniofacial Center at the University of Illinois Medical Center, a 3D image of my face was captured. The 3dMD system utilizes Digital Surface Photogrammetry (DSP) to capture the 3D form by projecting a random light pattern with synchronized digital cameras set at various angles. By filtering different wavelengths of light, a 3D surface geometry and surface texture are acquired simultaneously, resulting in an accurate texture map when applied to the surface data. The model […]

Anatomy Final (解剖學期末考)

The final anatomy exam on Head & Neck has come and gone. The hardest part was having to part with my Skull Box. You will be missed, Skull Box. Now my study aid skeleton, 小骨, can finally relax and enjoy the beautiful snow of Chicago.

Portraits of the Mind (大腦的畫像)

Through images, Carl Schoonover, a neuroscientist tells the fascinating history of the brain in his new book, Portraits of the Mind. Most of these images, from the first ever known medieval Arabic drawing to the brilliantly colored “Brainbow” produced using state-of-the-art techniques, have never been seen before by the general public, but have been employed daily by scientists around the world to expand our understanding of the brain. To read more, check out the photoessay by The Loom! [via The […]

Chipmunk Heart (花栗鼠的心)

Speaking of the magnificent organ, the heart, this was left on the doorstep by Bobby, the sweetest black cat on the block of Birmingham, Alabama.

Joel-Peter Witkin (喬彼得·威金)

Caution: Content may be repulsive to some. My Gross Anatomy class at times reminds me of Joel-Peter Witkin’s work. Joel-Peter Witkin is an American photographer whose work often deals with themes such as death, corpses (and sometimes dismembered portions thereof), and outsiders such as dwarfs, transsexuals, hermaphrodites, and physically deformed people. Witkin’s complex tableaux often recall religious episodes or famous classical paintings. Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1939 with a twin brother and a stillborn triplet sister. When young, his parents divorced due to religious […]