[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/15184546 w=500&h=375] A bald eagle, named Beauty, was found with the top half of her beak shot off. Rescued by Jane Fink Cantwell of Birds of Prey Northwest, Beauty is unable to feed or clean herself due to the loss of anatomy. While visiting the rescue center with his daughters, Nate Calvin of the Kinetic Engineering Group offered to help create a prosthetic beak. Calvin made a mold of the disfigured upper beak, laser-scanned it, modeled a prosthetic beak […]
Heavily inspired by the iRSM Digital Design in Facial Prosthetics workshop in Edmonton, Canada this summer, my classmate Lindsay and I conducted a study on rapid prototyping a digitally designed 3-piece auricular prosthesis mold. We utilized an iCAT to obtain DICOM files of our ear casts and patient treatment site. The DICOM files were then imported into Materialise Mimics to mirror the existing ear to adapt to the treatment surface. It was then booleoned from a larger cylinder and digitally […]
Born in London and grew up in Melbourne, Australia, Sophie Kahn trained as a photographer and later expanded her study to animation, 3d imaging and digital sculpture. Sophie’s work engages the role of the image in the expanded field of post-photographic imaging. Her creative use of the novel technology of 3d scanning and 3d printing to capture the living body produces a fragility that exists between that of the living in constant flux and the mortuary stillness. Sophie has also […]
Through Art Taipei 2011, the longest-standing art fair in Asia organized by Taiwan Art Gallery Association since 1992, I spotted Li Hongjun, who attempts to convey the conversion space of existing objects such as the vacuity of life and death and the space-time distance of reality and illusion—the very same idea as Li claims seen from Gunther von Hagens’ plasticized human specimens on display. Born in Shaanxi Province and currently living in Beijing, Li Hongjun attained his degrees in Folk […]
Anaplastology Materials & Techniques Digital Application of Data Acquisition via 3dMD (3D Stereophotogrammetry) for a non-invasive and instantaneous generation of a digital 3D mesh of surface with texture information. It allows for custom-selection and export of surface of interest (nose) in common 3D file formats (STL, OBJ). Rhinoceros prepares the STL file of noses for milling. SRP (Subtractive Rapid Prototyping) Player generates mill perimeters for the Roland MD X-40 Milling Machine. Replications were made of the master defect cast for working […]
Special Topics in Anaplastology: Fabrication of an Auricular Prosthesis Impression Making Marking Frankfort horizontal for orientation of prosthesis on defect cast. Impression Casting Wax Sculpting Mold Making 3 part mold with a wedge piece to prevent undercut behind helix. Intrinsic Coloration & Mold Packing Flocking – short colored fibers were added for a subtle color change and to mimic vasculature. Base color – semi-opaque underlying skin tone; commonly identified from underside of the forearm, along the hairline, anterior to the […]