Anatomical Visualization Assignment 4
Objective: Produce an anatomical diagram identifying the location of thoracic or abdominal organs relative to surface landmarks and skeletal anatomy.
Process: A human torso in anatomical position including all relevant surface anatomical landmarks was drafted using multiple anatomy atlases by Gilroy, Rohen, Clemente, and Moses. On an overlay-tracing sheet, the deep skeletal anatomy was drafted in registration with the surface anatomy using the same anatomy atlases with the addition of cadavers and skeletons from the gross lab. On a second overlay-tracing sheet, a pancreas and a spleen were placed using all the previous references with the addition of “Anatomical Landmarks” by our instructor John Daugherty. All sketches were scanned and composited with important anatomical landmarks labeled.
Lessons learned: If you draw a neck, you should draw the bottom of the chin. If you draw a mouth, you should draw the bottom of the nose. Never fade at a joint but in between the joints. Humans prefer symmetry, so mirror the better half of the anatomy.
Came out so well!