- 021st Jan 14
Real-Time MRI Music Video
Sivu, a UK based musician, laid in an MRI scanner while repeatedly singing his song...
- 20th Jan 14
Damon Albarn’s skull music video
Damon Albarn (of Blur and Gorillaz) released the music video Everyday Robots. The video, directed...
- 13th Jul 13
3-D Printed Prosthetic Duck Foot
A duck born with a deformed left foot can now walk, thanks to a...
- 18th Apr 13
How 3D printing gave a man his face and life back
Eric Moger, a 60 year old man in England lost the left side of...
- 3rd Mar 13
First-Ever Footage of a Thought Being Formed
Researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Genetics captured footage of a thought formation in...
- 2nd Mar 13
Asian Sumi-e Style Neurons
Philadelphia neuroscientist-turned-artist Greg Dunn paints elegant metallic neurons from memory. After earning his Ph.D. in...
- 6th Oct 12
Resident Evil 6 Human Butcher Shop (惡靈古堡6人肉專賣店)
To promote the release of Resident Evil 6, Capcom sponsored Wesker & Son Resident...
- 16th Aug 12
3D Printed Prosthetic Beak (3D印刷假鳥嘴)
A bald eagle, named Beauty, was found with the top half...
- 31st Jul 12
3D Printed Fetus (3D印刷胎兒)
Recognizing the desire of expecting parents to commemorate the visualization of their newborn, Fasotec,...
- 8th Apr 12
Jordan Eagles’ Works of Blood
New York City artist, Jordan Eagles, sometimes referred to as the “blood artist” has...
- 8th Apr 12
Embodiment: A Luminous Glass Skeleton by Eric Franklin
Portland-based sculptor, Eric Franklin constructs an anatomical study of the human body considering the...
- 8th Dec 11
Rapid Prototyped Auricular Mold (快速原型模型)
Heavily inspired by the iRSM Digital Design in Facial Prosthetics workshop in Edmonton, Canada...
- 24th Nov 11
Sophie Kahn (梁劉柔芬·卡恩)
Born in London and grew up in Melbourne, Australia, Sophie Kahn trained as a...
- 20th Sep 11
新世界『透明標本』Iori Tomita’s New World Transparent Specimens
新世界「透明標本」 – New World Transparent Specimens is an exhibition composed of specimens created using...
- 10th Sep 11
Between Reality and Reverie—Li Hongjun’s Paper Art (在真實與夢幻之間—李紅軍的紙媒藝術)
Through Art Taipei 2011, the longest-standing art fair in Asia organized by Taiwan Art...
- 24th Aug 11
Gunther von Häagen-Dazs (岡瑟馮哈根達斯)
Amazing video! Just had to repost from Street Anatomy. The Art of Bleeding, a...
- 8th Aug 11
Nasal Prosthesis (假鼻)
Anaplastology Materials & Techniques Digital Application of Data Acquisition via 3dMD (3D Stereophotogrammetry) for a...
- 7th May 11
Auricular Prosthesis (假耳)
Special Topics in Anaplastology: Fabrication of an Auricular Prosthesis Impression Making Marking Frankfort horizontal...
- 6th May 11
3dMD Self Portrait (三維自畫像)
Using the 3dMDface System in the Craniofacial Center at the University of Illinois Medical...
- 6th Mar 11
Visual Word Form Area (視覺詞形區)
Graphic Design Assignment 5: Concept Communication Piece Purpose: Express the following through type, image,...
- 8th Feb 11
Ascending Colon (升結腸)
Illustration Techniques Assignment 1 Objective: Produce a fully rendered, highly detailed anatomical line illustration done in...
- 22nd Jan 11
Brainstorm (集思廣益)
The exhibition Brainstorm: investigating the brain through art & science at GV Art in...
- 12th Jan 11
Cockroach (蟑螂)
After my first teaching experience as a Biology TA and playing with the Madagascar...
- 8th Dec 10
Indirect Plant Defense (間接植物防禦)
Subject: Indirect Plant Defense When a corn plant is munched by a caterpillar, the...
- 5th Dec 10
BODY WORLDS of Animals (動物體展)
The famous BODY WORLDS creator, Dr. Gunther von Hagens, has expanded from human plastination...
- 4th Dec 10
Anatomy Final (解剖學期末考)
The final anatomy exam on Head & Neck has come and gone. The hardest...
- 21st Nov 10
Crafty Science (狡猾的科學)
Warm and fuzzy science for all to enjoy! “Knitting in Biology 101” on Etsy...
- 16th Nov 10
Anatomical Diagram (解剖圖)
Anatomical Visualization Assignment 4 Objective: Produce an anatomical diagram identifying the location of thoracic...
- 7th Nov 10
Zdzisław Beksiński (濟斯瓦夫·貝克辛斯基)
These mysterious, nightmarish and beautiful works of art were created by Zdzisław Beksiński (b....
- 5th Nov 10
Portraits of the Mind (大腦的畫像)
Through images, Carl Schoonover, a neuroscientist tells the fascinating history of the brain in...
- 4th Nov 10
Chipmunk Heart (花栗鼠的心)
Speaking of the magnificent organ, the heart, this was left on the doorstep by...
- 4th Nov 10
Shapes and Heart (形狀和心臟)
Third assignment in Anatomical Visualization. Part 1: Render basic forms with an upper-left light...
- 24th Oct 10
Debbie Goard (黛比高德)
This heart may be more appetizing than the pig hearts my classmates and I...
- 19th Oct 10
Joel-Peter Witkin (喬彼得·威金)
Caution: Content may be repulsive to some. My Gross Anatomy class at times reminds...
- 3rd Oct 10
Human Bakery (人體器官麵包店)
I have craved Kittiwat Unarrom’s bread for quite some time now. Since 2006, artist...
- 3rd Oct 10
David Fisher (大衛·費舍爾)
This fetal monkey with stained cartilage belongs to David Fisher, a medical illustrator employed at...
- 28th Sep 10
Anatomy Exam I (解剖學考試)
The following is how I felt about the exam. However, the following arose from...
- 27th Sep 10
First Nose (鼻子)
My classmate Lindsay and I made our first nose in the Maxillofacial Prosthetics Clinic...
- 27th Sep 10
Shoulder (肩膀)
First assignment in Anatomical Visualization taught by John Daughetry. Objective: Produce an accurate pencil sketch...